It is the simple things In life

I find are the most impactful

I just put them on a canvas for all to enjoy

what’s it all about

Curtis Vintage Brush is a small business owned and operated in the heart of Utah, Soley by the artist herself. Simple, country and homey are the inspirations behind every work. From the reclaimed wood I paint on to the stoic mountains and rustic small-town subject matter I choose to portray. Really what ever stirs my soul I guess. To simply create is my passion and to share it with others is a joy.

How did it start

Several years ago, I lived with my husband in the city. respectful jobs, hours 9-as much as I could be worked, quaint apartment in crowded suburbia and regular American debts to pay every month.

Life had kind of just happened to me. and I was ready to happen to life instead. So we sat down and imagined what we wanted the next chapter to look like. Que the hardest years so far.

We sacrificed, We got rid of things and dept, we saved, We took a huge risk and quite our jobs to move south, out of the dreaded city. We started focusing on simplifying and chasing things that ignited the soul.

I painted like mad while my wonderful husband supported us, as well as carried me all over the map to new places, sights, and smells. Now, in our first home, many paintings sold and 21 national parks later, we are happy to share the next chapters of Curtis Vintage Brush with any and all who need to ignite the soul a little more.

note: Thank you to my amazing husband and my friends and family who heavily supported us and made this happen. Thank you!

Curtis Vintage Brush is a very small-town local art business. What I create and sell is not for mass production, but is what I consider authentic, unique and worth sharing artwork. So, if you're like me and want something a little different for your home. Then welcome to our studio and thank you for your support.

Keep it simple, keep it countryfied. Thank you for visiting!